Ulrich Parlitz
Detecting pulsatile motion of blood vessels in Real-Time MRI
Learning from the past: reservoir computing using delayed variables
Mapping Hierarchical File Structures to Semantic Data Models for Efficient Data Integration into Research Data Management Systems
Deployment of an HPC-Accelerated Research Data Management System: Exemplary Workflow in HeartAndBrain Study
Influence of conduction heterogeneities on transient spatiotemporal chaos in cardiac excitable media
Winners of 2022 Edward Norton Lorenz Early Career Awards
Attractor selection in nonlinear oscillators by temporary dual-frequency driving
Estimating fractal dimensions: A comparative review and open source implementations
Optical mapping of contracting hearts
Optimising low-energy defibrillation in 2D cardiac tissue with a genetic algorithm
Ordinal pattern-based complexity analysis of high-dimensional chaotic time series
The role of pulse timing in cardiac defibrillation
Control of escapes in two-degree-of-freedom open Hamiltonian systems
Non-monotonous dose response function of the termination of spiral wave chaos
Nonlinear Dynamics - A Concise Introduction Interlaced with Code
Synchronization of a genetic oscillator with the cell division cycle
Taming cardiac arrhythmias: Terminating spiral wave chaos by adaptive deceleration pacing
Predicting the duration of chaotic transients in excitable media
Drift and termination of spiral waves in optogenetically modified cardiac tissue at sub-threshold illumination
Extracting Robust Biomarkers From Multichannel EEG Time Series Using Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Applied to Ordinal Pattern Statistics and Spectral Quantities
Heterogene wissenschaftliche Dateistrukturen FAIR gestalten: Eine flexible, robuste Open-Source-Lösung mit dem CaosDB Crawler
Reconstructing Complex Cardiac Excitation Waves From Incomplete Data Using Echo State Networks and Convolutional Autoencoders
Some elements for a history of the dynamical systems theory
Electromechanic Imaging of the Heart
Feedforward attractor targeting for non-linear oscillators using a dual-frequency driving technique
GPU accelerated study of a dual-frequency driven single bubble in a 6-dimensional parameter space: The active cavitation threshold
Guidelines for a Standardized Filesystem Layout for Scientific Data
High-Resolution Optical Measurement of Cardiac Restitution, Contraction and Fibrillation Dynamics in Beating versus Blebbistatin-uncoupled Isolated Rabbit Hearts
High-performance GPU computations in nonlinear dynamics: an efficient tool for new discoveries
Predicting spatio-temporal time series using dimension reduced local states
Susceptibility of transient chimera states
Terminating transient chaos in spatially extended systems
Multiscale modeling of dyadic structure-function relation in ventricular cardiac myocytes
Agonistic and antagonistic roles of fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes on viscoelastic stiffening of engineered human myocardium
Gradient based hyperparameter optimization in Echo State Networks
CaosDB—Research Data Management for complex, changing, and automated research workflows
Convolutional autoencoder and conditional random fields hybrid for predicting spatial-temporal chaos
Synchronization of viscoelastically coupled excitable oscillators
Simultaneous unpinning of multiple vortices in two-dimensional excitable media
Spontaneous termination of chaotic spiral wave dynamics in human cardiac ion channel models
Unsupervised feature extraction of anterior chamber OCT images for ordering and classification
Non-feedback technique to directly control multistability in nonlinear oscillators by dual-frequency driving
Scaling behavior of the terminal transient phase
Observing spatio-temporal dynamics of excitable media using reservoir computing
Terminal transient phase of chaotic transients
Data-Driven Modeling and Prediction of Complex Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Excitable Media
An ensemble framework for time delay synchronization
Spatiotemporal permutation entropy as a measure for complexity of cardiac arrhythmia
Emergent dynamics of spatio-temporal chaos in a heterogeneous excitable medium
Introduction to focus issue: Complex cardiac dynamics
Modelling far field pacing for terminating spiral waves pinned to ischaemic heterogeneities in cardiac tissue
Detection and characterization of intermittent complexity variations in cardiac arrhythmia
Features of chaotic transients in excitable media governed by spiral and scroll waves
Spontaneous termination of reentrant activity under myocardial acute ischemia: Role of cellular conductivity and its relation to ischemic heterogeneities
Sustainability, collapse and oscillations in a simple World-Earth model
Impact of viscoelastic coupling on the synchronization of symmetric and asymmetric self-sustained oscillators
Estimability and dependency analysis of model parameters based on delay coordinates
Bifurcations, chaos, and sensitivity to parameter variations in the Sato cardiac cell model
Estimating Lyapunov exponents from time series
Stabilization of three-dimensional scroll waves and suppression of spatiotemporal chaos by heterogeneities
Comparison of winding-number sequences for symmetric and asymmetric oscillatory systems
Basin structure of optimization based state and parameter estimation
Quantifying spatiotemporal complexity of cardiac dynamics using ordinal patterns
Changes of sleep-stage transitions due to ageing and sleep disorder
Entropy rate maps of complex excitable dynamics in cardiac monolayers
Using waveform information in nonlinear data assimilation
Local observability of state variables and parameters in nonlinear modeling quantified by delay reconstruction
Quantifying uncertainty in state and parameter estimation
Accurate state and parameter estimation in nonlinear systems with sparse observations
Detecting Synchronization and Interrelations in Multivariate Time Series
Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for the Long-Term Prediction of Cardiac Diseases
Nonlinear system identification employing automatic differentiation
Identification of equivalent dynamics using ordinal pattern distributions
Neural control and adaptive neural forward models for insect-like, energy-efficient, and adaptable locomotion of walking machines
Mutual information rate and bounds for it
Theory and computation of covariant Lyapunov vectors
Manifold learning approach for chaos in the dripping faucet
Dynamics of a driven oscillator carrying a freely sliding mass
Classifying cardiac biosignals using ordinal pattern statistics and symbolic dynamics
Stimulated emission depletion live-cell super-resolution imaging shows proliferative remodeling of T-tubule membrane structures after myocardial infarction
State and parameter estimation using unconstrained optimization
Inferring network connectivity by delayed feedback control
Synchronization based system identification of an extended excitable system
Synchronization patterns in transient spiral wave dynamics
Phase-resolved analysis of the susceptibility of pinned spiral waves to far-field pacing in a two-dimensional model of excitable media
Far Field Pacing supersedes Anti-Tachycardia Pacing in a generic model of excitable media